Hello dear friends and readers! You want to take the time to make healthy food for yourself, you want to feel less stressed about planning, you want to buy the right groceries and minimize food waste. I got you! Use these Free Meal Prep Printables to get. it done.
First up, are you struggling with ideas? There’s a template for that.
We all shuffle through the same styles of meals. Burger night, spaghetti night, leftovers, take out. Write out all the categories you cycle through, then plug them into your week. Here’s an example:
Here’s a blank version for you to print and stick on the fridge:
Next, use this meal prep printable to save time at the grocery store and get exactly what you need.
Write your meals for each day in the column on the left. Write the groceries you need to make it happen in the boxes on the right. Start simple! If you’re new to planning, just plan 2 or 3 meals.
Finally, break it down into tasks with this printable task list.
This one is my favourite. Break your meal plan down into small, manageable tasks. Assign those tasks to different people in the house if you can. If you want homemade hummus, maybe you want to cook your own chickpeas. Cooking chickpeas is one task, making hummus is another. Each can be assigned a specific person and day if it’s helpful. Lentil soup, Philippe, Wednesday night. Granola, Lacey and Walden, Monday after school. You get the idea. Turn a sea of ideas into simple, actionable tasks.
These meal prep printables are free! You don’t have to sign up to my mailing list to get them.
I hate it when people make me sign up for a mailing list to get something for free, so I won’t ask you to do it either. That said, if you appreciate what I’m up to, and you’d like to know when I’m offering cook-alongs or workshops, please DO sign up for my mailing list! I won’t send you any automated courses and I promise not to spam you. You’ll only hear from me when something fun is coming up 🙂 Thank you!