Better nutrition = faster recovery = more training = better performance.
This is why serious athletes pay attention to eating foods that not only fuel their efforts, but expedite their recovery.
Those of us who don’t consider ourselves to be “serious athletes” benefit from this kind of high net-gain nutrition as well. From walking to rock climbing, if you want to practice your sport on a regular basis without feeling sore and taxed, boosting the quality of your diet will help get you there!
Let’s take a quick peek at why the main ingredients in this DELICIOUS dressing are beneficial.
Nutritional Yeast
First, I’m excited to include nutritional yeast for a couple of reasons. For starters, it has been shown to preserve immune function in athletes. Studies have also shown that nutritional yeast (lovingly known as “nooch”) can help to decrease inflammation after strenuous exercise.
Nutritional yeast is a single-cell fungus grown on molasses. It is inactive, meaning that it does not feed and grow once inside the body. People who are advised to avoid yeast, can almost always tolerate nutritional yeast. It’s a complete protein (meaning it contains all of the essential amino acids in balanced quantities) and a great source of vitamin B12. It also has a wonderfully cheesy flavour that adds a lot of depth of flavour to whatever it’s added to. For all these reasons and more, it’s a total pantry staple at our house.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Next, you’ll want to search for raw, unpasteurized, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. It should be a bit cloudy and murky, that’s the good stuff. This vinegar is rich in probiotics and enzymes, making it great for digestion. Strong digestion is important for maximum nutrient absorption!
Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil

Finally, I’ll admit; this is kind of a fancy ingredient. You’ll only find it in the refrigerated section of stores that have a “health food” section. Normally I like to stick to standard, pantry staples, but this one is worth seeking out for the vegan athlete. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil will meet your daily requirement for ALA. ALA is the parent Omega-3 fatty acid, that converts to DHA and EPA in the body. These Omega-3’s are important for fighting inflammation, as well as boosting mood, so it’s worth paying attention to!
The recommended daily intake of ALA for vegan males over 14 is 3.2 grams. For vegan females over 14 it’s 2.2 grams. Just one tablespoon of flaxseed oil has 7.3 grams of ALA!
Never use flaxseed oil for cooking, as that will destroy the volatile Omega-3 fats. Always store in the fridge. Now let’s get on with the recipe!
Recovery Boosting Salad Dressing For Athletes
Combine the following in a blender. Jar and store in the fridge. Makes close to 2 cups.
- 2/3 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup cold pressed flaxseed oil
- 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
- 2 tbsp tamari
- 1 clove garlic
- freshly ground salt and pepper

Make a delicious salad by tossing this dressing with mixed greens, shredded carrots, cherry tomatoes, cooked quinoa, seasoned tofu or beans, fresh basil, and some nuts or seeds of choice.
Looking for something else to do with Nutritional Yeast now that you have it in your pantry? Try it in this Lasagna Soup Recipe, or in my favourite Lemony Avocado Kale Salad.
If you’d like to know when my next guided meal-prep session will be, please sign up for my mailing list if you haven’t done so already! You should see a link in the side bar of the website 🙂