Who else is not feeling their best right now? Whether it’s mid-winter blues or seasonal colds, most of the people I know are feeling sub par these days, myself included.
This Cayenne Citrus Smoothie is designed to deliver a major anti-oxidant punch, lots of vitamin C, and some energizing spice. I’ve used frozen mango here, but you could substitute frozen banana if you don’t have mango on hand.
These days the phrase “Mood follows action” is on my mind a lot. When we don’t feel well, we often don’t want to take action. I’ll do better when I feel better! But that’s backwards, friends. Behaviour first; thoughts, feelings and perceptions follow.
When you’re not feeling well, the small action of feeding yourself good food can have big effects.
Cayenne Citrus Smoothie: Serves 1
- 1 cup frozen mango
- 1.5 cups mixed citrus fruits (I used 3 clementines and 1 orange)
- 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/2 tsp fresh or powdered ginger (+ more to taste)
- 2 tbsp hempseeds (optional)
- 1 cup soy milk
Blend until smooth and enjoy. Please let me know what you think if you try it!
Looking for more nutritious smoothie ideas? Check out my Sunshine Citrus Smoothie recipe.